I looked at Kadir van Lohuizen's “Katrina Diaspora” project at Noor, a small photo agency out of the Netherlands. This is an important topic and, so, is appropriate subject matter. Even though Katrina is thought of as over by many of us who were untouched by the hurricane, many still have to live with the consequences. The photos, black and whites, are clear and show a variety of content and angles. That said, it seems like almost everything else could use work.
First, I think that this project could have greatly benefited from audio. Hearing the voices of the subjects would help the viewer to sympathize with their plight. Also, hearing the sounds of the apartment complex and the places the characters go would add another dimension of reality to the situation.
Noor seems to have a flash template which all projects follow. This isn’t a bad thing so long as the template is well designed. Unfortunately, theirs leaves much to be desired. The photograph is displayed largely, but the caption, which appear upon rolling over the photo, manifests as a large black box that blocks most of the photo. It seems that narrow horizontal caption boxes would be far less distracting and would detract less from the photography. The play/stop button floats awkwardly on the right, unaligned with anything. If the photos are treated as a slideshow, each photo takes a second loading. While the photo roll at the top is an interesting feature for navigation, it is distracting when it moves as the photo changes.
It's nice that the user has a choice between scrolling though the photos using the arrow keys or clicking through the photo roll, the photo roll has a few issues with navigation. It’s difficult to tell which photo is currently on the screen. It appears that the designer tried darkening the unselected photos, but it would be better if the current photo were greater highlighted, perhaps by using a white outline or further lightening the picture. Also, if the user clicks on a photo to select, the roll pushes that photo past the back arrow and the next photo is only half visible on the far left. This is a major problem as it impedes the user’s navigation. Finally, the “View All” page could stand improvement. All of the photographs are lined up in four rows, but none of them take the user to that photograph enlarged.
Greater attention needs to be paid to the user’s experience in the project.While the photos are well executed, the over all project could be implemented better.
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