Classwork and play to learn more about visual communication
One of the biggest difficulties I had with this first shoot was that the strobe just wouldn’t fire sometimes. I’ve figured out now that it was that the strobe needed to recharge, but as you can see, I kept trying. Also, I had the camera programmed to shoot series of photos so it fired without the flash sometimes if I held the shutter down. Otherwise, it was just a practice in avoiding distracting shadows.
My second attempt went much better. I knew that Mark Twain Ballroom has reasonably low, white ceilings. The lighting isn’t the greatest, but that was an advantage since this was all about overpowering the existing light. I did mostly bounce flash since I had done primarily direct flash before. I have to say that I like it much more. In general, I brought the TTL down by 1½ since my flash tends to shoot hot. I shot almost all of the bounce flash having my three center fingers for bounce onto the face. I think it turned out well, and I did better with the direct flash this time too. I angled it further down, adjusted the head of the flash, and powered the flash down further. I focused mainly on one girl, Madeline Komes, who interested me, and her two dance partners. This also had to do with access since she was on the end of the line, so I would have the most flexibility with lighting her. I also shot the teacher, the president and a few interesting happenings. I’m rather pleased with the results.
I reviewed a multimedia flash project run on the Chattanooga Times Free Press called "Humility in hard times". It tells stories of people whose lives have been affected by the recession as well as of those who lived through both the Great Depression and the recession. This concept is very compelling, and the content could work great for a project. Comparing the history to the present in this way can help us to gain some perspective and guidance in dealing with these issues.
This topic was well-suited to a flash project as the project has two chapters (one each for the recession and the Depression). And has four stories in each chapter. Additionally, the “about” link has an interview with two of the four creators
When navigating to the page, the first problem with this project is immediately clear. The entire project was made too small. The text is barely legible. It’s unfortunate because there is clearly much more room on the Web page, and I’m sure the text is very compelling. Furthermore, the text is white on black serif. Being this small, it becomes hardly legible. The banner is done successfully in a sans serif that should have been used throughout the whole project.
The project works design-wise. The visuals are given the most real estate while there is a space for explanation underneath. The thumbnails for the other four stories line up vertically on the left and the navigation for other parts of the project are located at the bottom left. Quotations from each section run across the top in a banner like area. The only problem is that there is too much real estate given to this area.
Additionally, there are too few visuals to warrant creating a flash slideshow. In many there are only two or three portraits. They don’t tell us much more about the story or the person. It think it would have been better to have either only one photo or at least enough so that they could change every three to five seconds.
Overall, very interesting concept but could have been executed better.
First of all, he gets points for putting his contact information in the page’s title with his name. Also, he keeps the design simple with a black and white all-caps sans-serif theme. The tabs are easily accessible at the top left of the page and follow a logical order by presenting the portfolios closer to the inside of the page and the moving toward the “about” and “contact” tabs. The portfolio tab has a drop-down drawer—a design element that I’m usually prefer because it keeps the page clean (though I’m not a huge fan of the black outline around this drawer). In this drawer, he has several different categories to choose from, which helps to organize the viewing experience. The photographs in these sections take up the majority of the screen, which is ideal.
The “about” pages are simple and to the point. The “contact” page gives the user several options for getting a hold of Anderson, having a form along with his phone number and email. I also like that he added a journal, (basically, a blog), but it would have been better if he had kept the navigation and the look more cohesive with the rest of the website.
One thing I absolutely love about this portfolio website is the number of options that he gives the user. Through creative implementation of flash and java script, he has enabled the user to click forward and back through the photographs or view them as a timed slideshow. The arrows appear when the user hovers over the photograph. In addition, he has a drawer to the right of the photograph that displays a vertical row of thumbnails when the user hovers over a dot. The user can scroll up and down by mousing in the preferred direction. Also, he has another box for caption information that pops up when the user hovers the words “Image info.”
The best thing about this interface besides easy navigation is that the photo is never permanently blocked. My only critique is that it may be beneficial to be able to click once and have the drawer stay open and again to close it. This would be better for the user, but it could distract from the photograph. All in all, I love this interface and would like to implement some of the concepts in my design (once I know how to do it).